Elijah figured out that cake is good.
Today I went to Target to buy Christmas wrapping paper and of course Lincoln and Elijah were with me. Well, Lincoln is very inquisitive to say the least and he was very concerned that I was buying paper. Isn't Santa supposed to do that??
I surprised myself by how cunningly I was able to spin a tale of lies to my 3 year old. I said that I get the paper at the store, then I hide it in a special spot in our home and the elves come pick it up and take it to Santa in the North pole. Where do I come up with this??
It worked great...until...
the boys were supposed to go to bed but Lincoln kept getting up and doing this or that (mostly singing "Life is a Highway loud enough to wake up Elijah). So I came in and starting the falsehoods. I said, the elves can't come pick up the paper if you're out of your bed. So he asked, "can you put the paper in my room so I can see the elves?" "No, they only come when everyone's asleep. " "Even Mom?" Yep. "oh."
Then he got the most massive smile on his face and went to bed. So I went into my room and wrapped presents.
I'm a liar.
In other news. Isaac is having surgery!!
I know, he's only 5, but he's getting tonsils and adenoids out and tubes in his ears. Apparently he has a 20% hearing loss. Crazy. I had his ears checked when he was 3 and he was fine, but now he's got fluid that's causing the loss. Something funny, Isaac is so into ages right now and somehow a little boy in his Kindergarten class has him convinced that he's 199. Truly, Isaac says Grayson only goes to school for fun, but he can drive a car and he's a dad. I've met Grayson and take my word for it, he's not 199.
You could be like me and not wrap Santa's present...at our house only presents from mom and dad are wrapped. Stockings and other stuff from santa are just arranged in piles. I never have to lie!
It's funny that a speech path would have a child with a hearing loss from fluid build up. Not ha ha funny, I guess:-)
I know you're not blogging much lately, but how about a picture of Elijah?
I agree- The irony of it all! At least you know what they're talking about, and how important it is. I bet it's a blessing to have the knowledge you do when you have to decide about surgery and stuff. :)
And I'm glad that you're willing to sacrifice your eternal salvation so that your kids can believe in Santa. I admire your dedication.
Love love love you!
You are a sneaky mom. I don't think I'll have to start doing that stuff until next year.
I hope the surgery goes well.
At playgroup Jane kept talking about Lincoln and I said he wasn't there and she kept talking about him. I was so impressed that she remembered him and his name. Then I asked if she meant Lincoln the boy or Lincoln where we live. She said "live".
Your post made me laugh!!! It's hard to be a parent with integrity :) And easy to be a parent who wants the best for her little ones. You're such a dedicated mom. (Thank goodness you're not Pinochio)
Our oldest son had the same surgery for the same reason at age 3, after we noticed he was reading our lips. When he woke up he started to cry and had to cover his own ears because his crying was too loud for him. We hope Isaac's surgery is just as successful and that everything goes well.
It was great to spend some time with all of you! love you
Here's how I like to spin my Christmas web of lies. The presents under the tree are from Mom and Dad, but we collaborate with Santa so we keep tabs on naughty and niceness and can pull that card out when needed. But, the stockings are from Santa Claus because that's all he used to do in the beginning, right? Then, Mom and Dad get the big thank yous for the big gifts as it should be.
you are hilarious! and i've always known you were a little sneaky too! i hope i can think as quick on my feet when the time comes!
Okay, totally funny!! Way to come up with some good lies. I had to lie the other day about the tooth fairy.
Good luck with the surgery. I hope it goes well.
I hope you can distinguish between your "meg" friend and your "megs" friend! Are you seriously wrapping gifts already? You are killing me. What are you getting your boys this year. I need ideas.
Good luck with the surgery.
Totally awesome. Awesome story. Awesome that you posted and awesome that you're actually already getting ready for Christmas. you rock
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