This is classic Isaac - he fell asleep with his sweet hat. Don't you wish you could wear an underwear hat.

I love love this picture

Elijah loving the grass - 6 months

Lincoln is three years old - has been since Feb. but it took me a while to take his pictures. I tried to get his right side because he gave him self a black eye on the left eye with his magnadoodle. Those things are lethal. Some praise for Lincoln - he's a master negotiator, he can write his name (not in the write order, but all the letters are there), he has a seriously adult sense of humor and silly humor also. Yesterday Jon asked him if he was a pansy, Lincoln responds, "I'm not a pansy, I'm a mansy." He came up with that all on his own. Love this guy.
Finally! Whew!
Liz did the triathalon with you? I worked with her at the BYU. Tell her that Craig and I say hi.
This gets me very excited to see you all in June. Lincoln looks so grown up in the picture with his hands in his pockets. And Elijah is adorable. I love the close up of his face. I want to kiss him :)
Congratulations on your triathalon! I'm pretty jealous. That's on my want-to-do list.
Hey crazy lady. Um, you didn't happen to mention the triathlon! That's kind of a big deal! Way to go girl!
Your kids are hilarious. :)
Glad for the updates!
You finally put up pictures! You're lookin' fine. Good job making it through your first triathlon. Are you going to do more of them?
Anna - hot bod! Give me your secrets (minus the working out like a maniac training for a triathlon) for me to get rid of this post-partum body. Way to go. And I can't wait to ask my husband if he's a pansy or a mansy. What a cutie!
I like Lincoln picking his nose in the swimsuit picture. Oh, and grass can be pretty terrifying. I know I'm afraid of mine--all those clovers and dandylions.
Cute pics! Way to go in the triathlon!
I don't know what I am more impressed with, you blogging again or you doing the triathalon. Just kidding, I am so impressed with you! Seriously it must have been really hard work to train for that. Thanks for posting some pictures. Your boys sure are cute.
I love the new post! I'm so glad to see pics of your kids. Love the underwear hat shot and I love the "mansy" comment. Funny kids! Elija is looking so big and very much like your other boys. Way to go on the triathalon! I'm so impressed. My brother did one with a mountain bike too and it almost killed him. You can be proud of your time for sure!!
CONGRATUULATIONS on your triathlon. After watching Cheryl train for hers, I have more respect than ever. You two will have fun together, won't you?! And the kids look adorable!
YOU LOOK AWESOME!!!!!!! what a hottie LOL
glad that you had a great time! the kids are getting so big! love the grass pic !Precious!
can't wait to see you guys in the summer. I better go workout :)
Welcome back! Love the pictures of the boys - they all look alike! And congratulations on the tri! NE agrees with you.
So I just found you on Megan's profile and thought I'd check out your blog and oh my goodness Anna! Your kids have gotten so big! It doesn't feel like it's been that long since I've seen you... Wow. I'm glad you guys are doing so well! :)
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