Isaac doing some patterning with his jelly beans. It makes me feel better about giving him sugar.
This is classic Isaac - he fell asleep with his sweet hat. Don't you wish you could wear an underwear hat.
Elijah at 4 months.
I love love this picture
Elijah loving the grass - 6 months
I love love this picture
Elijah loving the grass - 6 months
Lincoln is three years old - has been since Feb. but it took me a while to take his pictures. I tried to get his right side because he gave him self a black eye on the left eye with his magnadoodle. Those things are lethal. Some praise for Lincoln - he's a master negotiator, he can write his name (not in the write order, but all the letters are there), he has a seriously adult sense of humor and silly humor also. Yesterday Jon asked him if he was a pansy, Lincoln responds, "I'm not a pansy, I'm a mansy." He came up with that all on his own. Love this guy.