Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Christmas Lies

boys at the sunken gardens
Elijah figured out that cake is good.

Today I went to Target to buy Christmas wrapping paper and of course Lincoln and Elijah were with me. Well, Lincoln is very inquisitive to say the least and he was very concerned that I was buying paper. Isn't Santa supposed to do that??

I surprised myself by how cunningly I was able to spin a tale of lies to my 3 year old. I said that I get the paper at the store, then I hide it in a special spot in our home and the elves come pick it up and take it to Santa in the North pole. Where do I come up with this??

It worked great...until...

the boys were supposed to go to bed but Lincoln kept getting up and doing this or that (mostly singing "Life is a Highway loud enough to wake up Elijah). So I came in and starting the falsehoods. I said, the elves can't come pick up the paper if you're out of your bed. So he asked, "can you put the paper in my room so I can see the elves?" "No, they only come when everyone's asleep. " "Even Mom?" Yep. "oh."

Then he got the most massive smile on his face and went to bed. So I went into my room and wrapped presents.

I'm a liar.

In other news. Isaac is having surgery!!

I know, he's only 5, but he's getting tonsils and adenoids out and tubes in his ears. Apparently he has a 20% hearing loss. Crazy. I had his ears checked when he was 3 and he was fine, but now he's got fluid that's causing the loss. Something funny, Isaac is so into ages right now and somehow a little boy in his Kindergarten class has him convinced that he's 199. Truly, Isaac says Grayson only goes to school for fun, but he can drive a car and he's a dad. I've met Grayson and take my word for it, he's not 199.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Missing a friend

I'm not really sure how to attack this particular post, but here goes. Last night we attended the funeral of a little boy who has touched our lives. Caleb and his family are great friends and we love them dearly. His is the first LDS funeral I've attended which seems weird since I'm LDS. But the messages were inspiring and although this is an incredibly sad time, the knowledge of the eternal nature of families keeps coming to my mind.

Thanks Caleb for teaching us so much.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

the joys of parenthood

So today was not the best. At around 8:45am Isaac earned himself a nap for back talking which is always fun. At 3pm we went to the YMCA where I exercise and the boys have a blast in the playroom. Well, usually I hear comments like, "your boys are so great" or "I wish I could take your boys home." Not today. Today I walked in to one of the staff telling me that Lincoln had to sit in the time-out chair. Oh jeez. What happened. He told a little boy that he had a fat tummy. Great. We've been working on this at home. We don't say that because it makes people feel sad. It's not nice, etc. Apparently none of that soaked in because Lincoln told the lady that "my mom says it's nice." Better luck tomorrow

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lots of updates

I took Lincoln's preschool group to the fire station.
Isaac doing some patterning with his jelly beans. It makes me feel better about giving him sugar.

This is classic Isaac - he fell asleep with his sweet hat. Don't you wish you could wear an underwear hat.

Elijah at 4 months.

I love love this picture

Elijah loving the grass - 6 months

Lincoln is three years old - has been since Feb. but it took me a while to take his pictures. I tried to get his right side because he gave him self a black eye on the left eye with his magnadoodle. Those things are lethal. Some praise for Lincoln - he's a master negotiator, he can write his name (not in the write order, but all the letters are there), he has a seriously adult sense of humor and silly humor also. Yesterday Jon asked him if he was a pansy, Lincoln responds, "I'm not a pansy, I'm a mansy." He came up with that all on his own. Love this guy.

Yesterday I did my first triathlon - here are some pictures from the day. We got 7 people from our ward to participate.

Lookin' sweet in my cap and goggles.

Crossing the finish.

All the single ladies. All the single ladies.

We did it.